A Private Investigator – Why You Should Hire One

A Private Investigator – Why You Should Hire One

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to find someone or gather information but you lack the time or expertise to do it? Hiring a private investigator may be considered over the top, but if time or discretion is an issue, they will be faster and more efficient in accomplishing this task.

There are many reasons to hire a private investigator. While many think this is just something businesses and corporations typically need to do, a private investigator can be necessary on personal issues as well.

Locate a Distant Loved One or Long Lost Relative

Over time, families grow, scatter and sometimes become disconnected. A death in the family, an inheritance or simply the desire to reconnect can spark the search for a loved one or family member.

A private investigator can, in most cases, easily locate an estranged family member or loved one. If for some reason the search becomes more complicated, they will know how to overcome the obstacles and bring the search to a successful conclusion.

Why Hire a Private Investigator

Confirm Marital Infidelity

We’d all like to believe it will never happen to us, yet you may find yourself suspecting your spouse of cheating. Whether your intention is to work it out or file for divorce, it is always best to know for sure.  Proof of marital infidelity is a common issue private investigators handle.

They can discreetly follow your spouse and report back with their findings. They may discover your suspicions are unfounded. Unfortunately, that typically isn’t the case and the information the investigator gathers proves your spouse is cheating. Should you decide to proceed with divorce, this information could prove helpful in court.

Child Custody

A custody dispute is often part of a divorce. It can drag out, exhausting both time and money. If neglect or mistreatment of a child or children is suspected, time is of the essence. A private investigator can quickly get to the truth of the matter.

Hopefully the information gathered will provide you with peace of mind, knowing the child or children are well cared for. If that isn’t the case, the information can be used as evidence in court during the custody hearing.Why Hire a Private InvestigatorWhy Hire a Private Investigator

Why Hire a Private InvestigatorStalking and Harassment

After a break up, an ex-spouse or lover may go too far in their efforts to reestablish the relationship. It can elevate to a level where it is considered harassment or even stalking. These situations are annoying but can also be dangerous.

Both men and women can find themselves dealing with this issue. In order to resolve it and regain their freedom and sense of security, it may become necessary to take legal action.  A private investigator can collect the evidence needed for legal proceedings to prove the harassment or stalking.

Attorneys Often use a Private Investigator

As mentioned, many of these issues result in legal action and require the services of an attorney.  While someone needs to be in the field interviewing witnesses, canvasing neighborhoods, and personally vetting experts, it probably shouldn’t be the lead counsel.

Because these things take a lot of time and often lead to evidentiary dead ends, it is not uncommon for attorneys to utilize the services of a private investigator.

Should you find yourself facing any of these issues, you may need investigative assistance. South and Associates, LLC can provide the expert investigative services necessary to resolve your issue.

Company president James South and his professional associates provide excellent investigate services. James is a retired Detective with the New Jersey State Police. The safety, security and investigative training received while a member of the New Jersey State Police coupled with 25 years of law enforcement experience allows South and Associates to provide our clients with premium services.

Contact James and his team today to see how they can help.



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