Child Custody

Child Custody

By South & Associates

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Whether you are seeking to obtain primary custody of your child or need to demonstrate that the current primary custodian is unfit, South and Associates is here to support you in safeguarding your child’s well-being. We understand the gravity of these cases and the importance of your child’s safety and security.

Our team is dedicated to gathering the critical evidence you require through meticulous and compassionate investigative practices. At South and Associates, we utilize an array of surveillance and investigative techniques tailored to the specifics of your case. 

We work closely with you to establish the facts and provide concrete evidence in areas such as:

Cheating/Infidelity: Revealing such behaviors can be pertinent in custody cases, particularly if they impact the child’s environment or the custodial parent’s ability to provide care.

Violation of Supervised Visitation: We carefully document any breaches in visitation agreements, which can be pivotal in court decisions regarding custody adjustments.

Drug or Alcohol Abuse: Using discreet surveillance and other investigative methods, we can gather evidence of substance abuse that could endanger the child’s welfare.

Unfit Living Situations/Conditions: We assess and document conditions that may prove detrimental to the child’s physical and emotional health, such as unsafe living environments or neglect.

Each technique and strategy we employ is carefully chosen to ensure it is the most effective and appropriate for your situation. With South and Associates, you can trust that your case will be handled with professionalism and sensitivity, focusing on the best interests of your child. Our goal is to provide you with the compelling evidence needed to make informed decisions and achieve a positive outcome in your custody case.

Whether you are hoping to gain Primary Custody, or to prove the Primary Custody holder is unfit, South and Associates can gather the evidence you need to guarantee your Child’s Safety. Using a variety of Surveillance and Investigative techniques, we will work with you to prove:

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We work as a united team, utilizing all available Assets, in order to give our clients the highest quality service possible.

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