Corporate Internal Investigations

Corporate Internal Investigations

By South & Associates

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Internal inspection of your own organization is sometimes unavoidable. Determining the truth behind civil and/or criminal claims, fraud, theft, even espionage, may require a professional investigation.

South and Associates has extensive experience in conducting high level corporate investigations in both the public and private sectors. We conduct these investigations in an experienced professional manner and obtain detailed evidence while maintaining 100% confidentiality to protect both your organization and employees from a number of potential internal threats.

Internal inspection of your own organization is sometimes unavoidable. Determining the truth behind civil and/or criminal claims, fraud, theft, even espionage, may require a professional investigation.

South and Associates has extensive experience in conducting high level corporate investigations in both the public and private sectors. We conduct these investigations in an experienced professional manner and obtain detailed evidence while maintaining 100% confidentiality to protect both your organization and employees from a number of potential internal threats.

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Investigative support is useful in determining the level of threat from:

Criminal Claims Investigation: Whether it's allegations of harassment, violence, fraud, or financial abuse, a thorough investigative approach is crucial. Investigative support aids in uncovering evidence, corroborating testimonies, and piecing together the sequence of events to determine the veracity of criminal claims. This process not only helps in safeguarding the rights and well-being of individuals but also ensures the preservation of organizational integrity.

Civil Claims Investigation: In cases involving civil claims such as discrimination, workplace violence, accidents, or injuries, investigative support serves as a foundation for impartial fact-finding. By conducting meticulous inquiries and gathering relevant data, investigators can shed light on the circumstances surrounding the incident, identify contributing factors, and assess liability. This enables organizations to address grievances effectively, mitigate legal risks, and foster a culture of accountability and fairness.

Financial Investigations: Investigative support is indispensable in cases involving inventory loss, supply chain theft, financial irregularities, or suspected fraud. Through forensic accounting techniques and comprehensive audits, investigators delve into financial records, transactional data, and internal controls to uncover discrepancies and potential misconduct. By conducting thorough examinations, organizations can safeguard their assets, preserve financial integrity, and take proactive measures to prevent future breaches.

Substance Abuse Investigations: Suspicions of drug or alcohol abuse in the workplace require swift and discreet investigative action. Such support allows organizations to gather evidence, assess the extent of substance abuse, and implement appropriate interventions. By identifying individuals in need of assistance and addressing underlying issues, organizations can promote a safe and healthy work environment while mitigating risks associated with impaired performance and workplace safety.

Contractual Violations Investigation: Violations of non-compete agreement allegations or other contractual obligations require meticulous scrutiny to determine compliance and enforceability. Investigative support helps organizations gather relevant contractual documentation, conduct interviews, and assess the extent of alleged breaches. Organizations can then protect their intellectual property rights, uphold contractual obligations, and pursue legal recourse if necessary.

Executive Malfeasance Investigation: Instances of executive malfeasance, including misconduct, breaches of fiduciary duty, or ethical violations, demand thorough investigation and accountability. Investigative support facilitates independent inquiries into executive conduct, examining relevant documentation, communication records, and financial transactions. By holding executives accountable for their actions, organizations uphold ethical standards, maintain stakeholder trust, and safeguard corporate reputation.

Background Investigation Audits: Background investigation audits provide valuable insights into the accuracy and completeness of employee background checks. Investigative support ensures compliance with legal requirements, verifies the authenticity of credentials, and identifies any discrepancies or red flags in the screening process. By conducting periodic audits, organizations can mitigate risks associated with negligent hiring, enhance workforce reliability, and uphold regulatory compliance standards.


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