Computer &
Mobile Forensics

Computer &
Mobile Forensics

By South & Associates

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South and Associates has a dedicated team of computer forensics experts renowned for their exceptional service quality and swift response times. By handing a high volume of cases, we offer competitive pricing that often undercuts our rivals. For many of our clients, convenience is paramount; thus, we provide an expedited service where computers or mobile phones can be shipped directly to our facility.

Upon receipt, we prioritize immediate analysis and ensure a quick return, minimizing downtime and disruption for our clients. This streamlined process is designed to be as hassle-free as possible, reflecting our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction.

Computer Forensics may include:

Web Browsing History Analysis: Examining web browsing history provides crucial insights into the online activities of individuals, including websites visited, duration of visits, and frequency. This information can be paramount in investigations related to cybercrimes, online fraud, or unauthorized access.

Evidence of Copied or Deleted Files: Identifying evidence of copied or deleted files is essential in forensic investigations. Recovering these files can uncover crucial evidence relevant to intellectual property theft, data breaches, or illicit activity.

Recovery of Deleted Files: Recovering deleted files involves advanced forensic techniques to retrieve data that has been intentionally or accidentally removed from storage devices. This process is pivotal in reconstructing digital trails and piecing together timelines in criminal investigations or data recovery efforts.

Access and Usage Information Analysis:Analyzing access and usage information provides insights into user behavior, including login times, session durations, and file access patterns. This data aids in reconstructing digital activities and identifying potential security breaches or unauthorized access incidents.

Encryption Decryption Analysis: Decrypting encrypted data is a critical aspect of computer forensics, especially when dealing with secure or encrypted files. Understanding encryption methods and deciphering encrypted data can reveal valuable evidence hidden within protected files or communications.

Scrub Software Examination: Scrub software analysis involves scrutinizing the use of data erasure or scrubbing tools. Understanding when and how scrub software was utilized can shed light on attempts to conceal incriminating evidence or sanitize digital footprints, potentially indicating malicious intent or attempts to obstruct justice.

Mobile Forensics may include:

GPS Data Extraction: Extracting GPS data from mobile devices provides valuable location information, including historical travel routes, geotagged photos, and points of interest. This data is invaluable in criminal investigations, missing person cases, or determining alibis.

Call History Examination: Analyzing call history logs reveals details about incoming, outgoing, and missed calls, including timestamps, durations, and contact information. This information aids in establishing communication patterns, identifying associates, and reconstructing timelines in investigations.

Caller ID Data Retrieval: Retrieving caller ID data from mobile devices helps identify incoming callers, even if the contact information is not stored in the device's address book. This data can be crucial in tracing harassing or threatening calls, investigating scams, or identifying potential suspects.

Contact List Analysis: Scrutinizing contact lists stored on mobile devices provides insights into social networks, business contacts, and potential affiliations. Contact list analysis can help identify persons of interest, corroborate witness statements, or establish relationships between individuals in investigations.

Deleted Picture or Download Recovery: Recovering deleted pictures or downloads from mobile devices involves forensic techniques to retrieve media files that have been intentionally or accidentally removed. This process can uncover incriminating evidence, illicit activities, or attempts to conceal digital trails.

Deleted Text Message Reconstruction: Reconstructing deleted text messages from mobile devices is crucial for uncovering conversations, transactions, or agreements that may be relevant to investigations. Deleted text message recovery can provide critical evidence in criminal cases, civil disputes, or regulatory investigations.

South and Associates’ team of computer forensics professionals have built a reputation on our quality of service and quick turnaround time. The large volume of clients allows us to keep pricing lower than many of our competitors. In many instances, the computer or mobile phone can be shipped to us for immediate service and return.

Computer forensics
may include:

MOBILE forensics
may include:

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We work as a united team, utilizing all available Assets, in order to give our clients the highest quality service possible.

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